Title Treated Wastewater Reuse in Irrigation
Location Department of Land, Water and Environment
Start Time 12/9/2013 2:00 PM
End Time 12/9/2013 3:30 PM
This course will provide the student with a comprehensive overview of the principles and practices of using treated sewage water in irrigation. Although all aspects of irrigation management are discussed, special attention is given to the practices required to overcome the specific limitations imposed by the quality of the water, i.e., pathogenic micro-organisms, high salinity and sodicity, high nutrient content, and under specific circumstances, the presence of toxic levels of microelements, organic pesticides, and suspended solids.
Upon completing this module, students will have:
a. A fundamental understanding of how wastewater can be reused,
b. An understanding of potential health risks associated with wastewater reuse
c. A functional knowledge of the mechanisms for reuse and the critical constituents to be evaluated to see if the wastewater is suitable for reuse through that mechanism.
All Day Event  
Content Type: Event